Who killed Wolverine || What disease does Wolverine have in Logan || Why is Wolverine called Logan || What is Wolverine’s real name || Logan Cast || Everything you want to know?


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Who killed Wolverine?


When Wolverine’s Healing Powers Run Out because of adamantium poisoning in Logan (2017), Wolverine Gets Too Weak. Because of this, he cannot heal himself as before. And Wolverine comes between them when Xander Rice sends the X-24 to kill the X-23. For this reason, there is a fight between the X-24 and Wolverine. But at that time, Wolverine runs away with the X-23 with him. But when the X-24 and Wolverine meet for the second time, he kills Wolverine. Then the X-23 kills the X-24 with an adamantium bullet, But by the time the X-23 goes to rescue Wolverine, Wolverine is already dead.


What disease does Wolverine have in Logan?


In Logan (2017), Wolverine suffers from adamantium poisoning.
Hugh Jackman revealed, “The adamantium will eventually kill him. Due to this, his power to recover from leprosy also ended. And Wolverine was fighting his illness like an older man. Wolverine’s weakness also caused his adamantium metal claws not to come out properly. And he was living his life in a lot of pain.


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X-Men Origins - Wolverine :- Wolverine/Logan (Credit - Marvel Studios)
X-Men Origins – Wolverine :- Wolverine/Logan (Credit – Marvel Studios)


Why is Wolverine called Logan?


It has been told in X-Men origins Wolverine (2009) that th is thing was from 1845 when he lived in Canada. When it is shown how Wolverine and his brother leave their house and run away Then, Wolverine’s real name is James Howlett. And so that people could not recognize Wolverine, that’s why Wolverine changed his name from James Howlett to Logan To hide his identity while on the run for killing a man named Thomas Logan.


What is Wolverine’s real name?


Wolverine’s real name is James Howlett. He changed his name when he lived in Canada in 1845. He runs away with his brother because of his family issue.


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Logan (2017) Trailer ft. Hugh jackman as Wolverine & Logan 



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The Wolverine :- Wolverine/Logan (Credit - Marvel Studios)
The Wolverine :- Wolverine/Logan (Credit – Marvel Studios)


Logan (2017) Cast:-


Hugh Jackman as Logan / X-24

Patrick Stewart as Charles

Dafne Keen as Laura

Boyd Holbrook as Pierce

Stephen Merchant as Caliban

Richard E. Grant as Dr. Rice


Logan (2017) Release date:-


February 17, 2017

1 thought on “Who killed Wolverine || What disease does Wolverine have in Logan || Why is Wolverine called Logan || What is Wolverine’s real name || Logan Cast || Everything you want to know?”

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