Is Doctor Strange a hero or Villain ?
Doctor Strange is a comics superhero from Marvel Studios, on whom many movies have been made such as Doctor Strange (2016)
He is followed by a small cameo of Doctor Strange in Thor Ragnarok (2017).
Then Doctor Strange is shown in Avengers Infinity War (2018), in which Doctor Strange fights with Thanos.
Then Dr. Stephen Strange has a small role in Avengers Endgame After that we saw Doctor Strange in Spider-Man No Way Home (2021),
in which all the people who know Spider man, of the multiverse started coming into one universe due to a wrong spell of Doctor Strange.
And taking this story forward, has made Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022).
In which we will get to see the real face of Doctor Strange, whether Doctor Strange is a villain or a hero.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness was released in USA on 6 May 2022.
Is Doctor Strange a Hero or a Villain || Everything you want to know?
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