Is Gorr the God Butcher a villain  ?

Thor: Love and Thunder will be released on July 7, 2022 in USA 

It was confirmed that the villain is Gorr the God Butcher, portrayed by Christian Bale. 

He was nearly perfect in the role as Bruce Wayne in his Dark Knight trilogy. 

I am very excited to see him as a villain,

although i believe is a bit early to introduce him, i say this because he is EXTREMELY powerful, but maybe current MCU Thor could face him,

but yeah, my opinion, and final answer to your question is: I am very excited to see him as our next Thor villain . 

Gorr the God Butcher Ability :- Gorr the God Butcher created an anti-divinity armament designed to affect all time & reality , thus allowing him to kill every god in the Universe.

who had or ever would exist in This Universe

Thor: Love and Thunder Directed by Taika Waititi

How powerful is Gorr the God Butcher || Is Gorr the God Butcher a God || Who Is Gorr The God Butcher || Everything you want to Know? 

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